Who Are You?

What is your lane?Self image is taking on greater importance nowadays. While you might think you’re an expert traveler, the only thing that makes you an expert is your high-end suitcase and your love for travel! If you look the part, feel free to line up with the real business travelers that are in a rush to get to a meeting 400 miles away! Likewise, if you have a family, or want a family someday, feel free to get in line with the strollers, flying pacifiers and screaming kids!

If the line is shorter, why not be a parent just long enough to get thru security! On the other hand, if you want to look cool and have time on your hands, line up with the rest of America, and be a casual traveler! Whatever the case…..this system has nothing to do with who you are, and everything to do with getting to the front of the line!

Trick question: Which lane for the casual, expert traveler who has kids?